Saturday, August 28, 2010

Introduction of Myself

Hey! My pen name is Annie Knight, she was my great grandmother. She was an amazing lady. Although I never did meet her, reading through her history, and listening about her stories have given me a strong image of how great a lady she was. I have learned lessons from her. I want to become someone strong just how she was. She was actually a elementary school teacher, and that is one area I am looking into. I took this class to learn how to enjoy writing, and how to use my imagination while I write. It has never really been my best subject, but I am hoping it will change. I love to play sports. They are my favorite. I also love to ride my bike, or play the piano. I hope one day that I can play the piano unreal good. Doubt it, but it could happen. I want to graduate from college, don't know which one, and hopefully raise a family. We will see where life takes me, for now I am just living it day by day. Trying to find the positive in things. Life is better when your happy.


  1. For Future Post:
    Love is drowning in the wave pool at 7 peaks

  2. that's cool where your pen name came from. And i totally agree, life IS better when you're happy.
